Room #4 Basement room with terrace - BANGOR STUDENT ACCOMMODATION Ar OSOD To Let

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Room #4 Basement room with terrace

Room 4 Basement Double Bedroom

The basement bedroom is the largest room in the house and leads to the outside garden patio.
The room comprises a double bed with chest of draws, large office desk with draws, a comfortable adjustable office chair and adjustable light will also be included.

Ystafell 4 Ystafell Wely Ddwbl Islawr
Ystafell wely'r islawr yw'r ystafell fwyaf yn y tŷ ac mae'n arwain at y patio tu allan.
Mae'r ystafell yn cynnwys gwely dwbl gyda chist o luniau, desg swyddfa fawr gyda lluniadau, cadair gyfforddus y gellir ei haddasu a bydd golau addasadwy hefyd yn cael ei gynnwys.
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